PlayHouse takes stringent actions against content piracy.
- Our dedicated Copyright team issues formal takedown notices to all identified instances of copyright violation.
- This service is provided free of charge to all our creators.
- We send notices to all illicit websites, hosting services, domain registrars, and notify all significant search engines about these infringements.
If you come across instances of copyright infringement, submit all relevant details and evidence via a support ticket or email us at or submit a ticket. Please include the link to the page in question and any supporting screenshots. You may also click "Report" near the post with copyright infringement and select the option "This content contains stolen material (DMCA)".
Removal turnaround time depends on the infringing website and the legal process involved. While we don't have direct control over other websites, we'll do our best to get stolen content removed. You're also encouraged to reach out to the website directly.